domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

why this is to bad to our mind.

Bullying is a big problem. It can make kids feel hurt, scared, sick, lonely and embarrassed.. Bullies might hit, kick, or push to hurt people, or use words to call names, threaten, tease, or scare them. A bully might say mean things about someone, grab a kid's stuff, make fun of someone, or leave a kid out of the group on purpose, some bullies threaten people or try to make them do things they don't want to do.
Why Do Bullies Act That Way?

Some bullies are looking for attention. They might think bullying is a way to be popular or to get what they want. Most bullies are trying to make themselves feel more important. When they pick on someone else, it can make them feel big and powerful.
Some bullies come from families where everyone is angry and shouting all the time. They may think that being angry, calling names, and pushing people around is a normal way to act. Some bullies are copying what they've seen someone else do. Some have been bullied themselves.
Sometimes bullies know that what they are doing or saying hurts other people. But other bullies may not really know how hurtful their actions can be. Most bullies don't understand or care about the feelings of others.
Bullies often pick on someone they think they can have power over. They might pick on kids who get upset easily or who have trouble sticking up for themselves. Getting a big reaction out of someone can make bullies feel like they have the power they want. Sometimes bullies pick on someone who is smarter than they are or different from them in some way. Sometimes bullies just pick on a kid for no reason at all.
Gemma told her mom that this one kid was picking on her for having red hair and freckles. She wanted to be like the other kids but she couldn’t change those things about herself. Finally Gemma made friends at her local swimming pool with a girl who wished she had red hair like Gemma's. The two girls became great friends and she learned to ignore the mean girl's taunts at school.

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

bullying in the world.

How to react to this situation

In the Moment...
  1. Walk Away: If possible, remove yourself from the situation immediately.
  2. Say “Stop:” If it feels safe, tell the aggressor to stop in a firm but calm way. If you feel confident to do so, use humor or a clever response to weaken the effect of the mean behavior.
  3. Keep Cool: Try to control your emotions in the moment. Showing fear or anger may egg on the aggressor.
  4. Don’t Fight: Try not to fight or bully back in response—this may just continue the cycle of bad behavior.
After the Incident...
  1. Tell a Friend: Don’t keep the bullying a secret. Tell a friend and ask for support. You will feel better, and your friend can help you decide what to do next and go with you to get assistance.
  2. Report to an Adult: Tell a trusted adult what has happened. Remaining silent will not make things better and may worsen the situation. Reporting a serious problem is not the same as “tattling.” Adults need to know about bullying behavior so they can support you and take action to stop it.
Over Time...
  1. Find Safe Spaces: Try to avoid “danger zones” where bullying is likely to take place and where there are few adults who can help. Try to surround yourself with supportive friends or classmates whenever you can.
  2. Practice Responding: Reflect on how you might react to bullying in the future and rehearse those responses with a trusted friend or adult. Think about what strategies have worked or fallen short, and don’t give up if your first response is not successful.
  3. Express Your Feelings: Keep a diary or journal—written, electronic or video—where you can record your private thoughts and feelings. It is important to express yourself, especially when you are going through a tough time.
     10. Reach Out: Find new friends, hobbies or interests that occupy your time in positive ways and make you feel good about yourself. Avoid spending too much time on your own. 

videos to reflexion.

I wait your comments. 

Books you can read.

You can read here amazing books to know and understand more about bullying.

If you are under 13 years you can read this books, i recommended it for all the public.

My investigations.

¨Brillant Ideas For Keep Your Child  Safe And Happy¨.

Is the best book to me, you can learn it, if you want more information you can consult in another book , i am going to put a photo of them.
This books are ONLY for IBOOKS, but in another entry i am going to out books you can see in another system.

Types of BULLYING.

The Main 3 Types of Bullying.

There are three main categories of bullying. The other, more specific types, can fall into any or all of these categories, depending on the specific situation in which the bullying is encountered.
Physical Bullying.

This type of bullying  is the most important. Basically involves the use of physical force. Physical bullying is most prevalent in academic institutions. This bullying technique may involve the spiting, shoving, kicking or even punching. In most instances, the aggressor is physically larger than the victim or may be within a group. The idea behind physical bullying is for the bully to establish superiority and continued control over a victim.
Verbal Bullying.

Verbal bullying incorporates the use of words to carry out an act of bullying. The aggressor also known as the bully tries to verbally upset the victim through taunting and teasing. The verbal assault might focus on an individual’s appearance, lifestyle choices, intellect, skin color and even ethnicity. Most verbal bullies have a low self esteem and tend to bully others so as to increase their social standings and feel better about themselves.
Emotional Bullying.

Also known as relational aggression, emotional bullying is the act of an aggressor attacking a victim on an emotional level. Emotional bullying is most common in relationships whereby, one partner might make statements or act in such a manner as to bring about distress to the other partner. Emotional bullying may also involve the spreading of rumors, excluding an individual from certain activities, refusing to talk to someone and even making statement with an intention of hurting a person’s feelings.

School environment of today.

There is new concern about school violence, and police have assumed greater responsibility for helping school officials ensure students' safety. As pressure increases to place officers in schools, police agencies must decide how best to contribute to student safety. Will police presence on campuses most enhance safety? If police cannot or should not be on every campus, can they make other contributions to student safety? What are good approaches and practices?
Perhaps more than any other school safety problem, bullying affects students' sense of security. The most effective ways to prevent or lessen bullying require school administrators' commitment and intensive effort; police interested in increasing school safety can use their influence to encourage schools to address the problem. This guide provides police with information about bullying in schools, its extent and its causes, and enables police to steer schools away from common remedies that have proved ineffective elsewhere, and to develop ones that will work.
Bullying is widespread and perhaps the most underreported safety problem on American school campuses. Contrary to popular belief, bullying occurs more often at school than on the way to and from there. Once thought of as simply a rite of passage or relatively harmless behavior that helps build young people's character, bullying is now known to have long-lasting harmful effects, for both the victim and the bully. Bullying is often mistakenly viewed as a narrow range of antisocial behavior confined to elementary school recess yards. In the United States, awareness of the problem is growing, especially with reports that in two-thirds of the recent school shootings (for which the shooter was still alive to report), the attackers had previously been bullied. "In those cases, the experience of bullying appeared to play a major role in motivating the attacker."
Related Problems.

Bullying in schools shares some similarities to the related problems listed below, each of which requires its own analysis and response. This guide does not directly address these problems:
  • bullying of teachers by students,
  • bullying among inmates in juvenile detention facilities, and
  • bullying as a means of gaining and retaining youth gang members and compelling them to commit crimes.
Bullying Problem.

Extensive studies in other countries during the 1980s and 1990s generally found that between 8 and 38 percent of students are bullied with some regularity, and that between five and nine percent of students bully others with some regularity. Chronic victims of bullying, bullied once a week or more, generally constitute between 8 and 20 percent of the student population.

how i am going to develop the theme.

Apply surveys.

I am going to do by myself a  survey, with a study that i am going to develop in this six months that i have to present my project. Here in Venezuela i am going to talk with ten boys and girls and applying the survey to they.
After examine the survey, i am going to take the person who has been with the worst psychology problem and talk and profundice my studios with he or her. 

if you want to see the meaning of bullying you can go to this page:

Why i am talking about this?

My name is Rebeca Casado, i study in Juan XXIII school in Venezuela, im developing my project personal. The theme of the psychology is so important and interesting to me, that is why i am going to developing it in this blog. WHY? the answer is that this event have talking control in our world, and we don't see it.  My purpose consist to show you how important it is. But it isn't any type of psychology, psychology of   SCHOOL, one of the most important problems who is taking our world.

In this blog i am going to show you videos of examples of bullying that are in the network and a few amount of people see what is happening now, everybody see the videos but a little part of the world  analyses.

you can see the version in spanish here

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